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Energy Independence is Common Sense.

All of the Above Energy is an all-purpose energy company, developing projects that deliver long-term value to communities, our investors and participating landowners.

We strive to be a voice of reason in the ambitious endeavor of improving America's energy system.

Man in Farm

All of the Above Energy believes that the complexity of American energy should be approached intelligently, with land owners and project neighbors at the center of the conversations.

What We do

Fossil fuels and renewables are not an either/or. We believe that it is imperative that proponents of the energy transition embrace a more expansive view. While renewable technologies can and should play an important role in diversifying the energy system, they are not the panacea they are often portrayed to be. Renewables as well as other technologies are attractive because they allow for local production with, economic  and environmental benefits. But the complexity of energy transition is such that fossil fuels will be with us for some time to come.


Biomethane has become a source of energy in some American communities. By harvesting energy that would otherwise be lost and vented into the atmosphere, biogas is able to provide a negative offset to GHG emissions using the natural process of waste decomposition. This approach to energy production allows for an additional harvest for farmers and reduce reliance on extracted natural gas from which it is distinguishable.

Wind and Solar

Wind and solar are the backbone of American renewables and have produced large amounts of emission-free electricity. The country offers an abundance of strong wind and solar resources that incorporate reliably with the legacy generation mix. All Of the Above Energy allows land owners to partner in strong projects for diversifying income and insuring stable returns over long periods. All of the Above Energy works with local rural communities to provide significant economic benefits to the neighbors of the projects with local job creation, tax revenue, and local infrastructure. Most importantly, AotA Energy understands the concerns of farmers and their generational commitment to land stewardship.

Small Modular Reactors

Small modular reactors (SMRs) are a promising solution for providing abundant clean nuclear energy without encroaching on land. These reactors are designed to be smaller and more flexible than traditional nuclear power plants, making them easier to install and operate. SMRs can be used to power remote communities, industrial facilities, and even large cities. As research and development continue, SMRs have the potential to revolutionize the way we generate and consume energy.

Evaluate with Us the Opportunity for your Land

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